Julia Bell Hirschberg

Sen. Julia Hirschberg is Percy K and Vida LW Hudson Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University (department chair 2012-2018). She previously worked at Bell Laboratories and AT&T Labs on TTS and created the HCI Research Department. She has served on executive boards for: ACL, ISCA (president 2005-7), CRA-W/WP, NAACL, CRA, AAAI Council, and IEEE SLTC and numerous awards committees and was editor of Computational Linguistics and Speech Communication. She is a fellow of AAAI, ISCA, ACL, ACM, and IEEE, and a member of the NAE, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. She received the IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award, ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement and ISCA Special Service Medal. She has worked many years for diversity at AT&T and Columbia. She studies speech and NLP, currently: false information and intent on social media, radicalization in online videos, code-switching, switchboard alignment, emotional, and empathetic speech.