Actions & Announcements

Recent University Senate Actions & Announcements

Janie Weiss, was elected to the University Senate, representing Administrative Staff at Colum

Atman Satpathy, was elected to the University Senate, representing students at Columbia

Carissa O'Donnell, was elected to the University Senate, representing stu

The Rules Committee has created a series of Frequently Asked Questions to accompany the 

Fall applications for student media credentials are now open.

As part of its responsibility for overseeing the Rules of University Conduct, the Rules Committee is required to undertake a comprehensive review o

The University Senate demands a response to the Rules Committee letter of mid-April 2024 asking for an explanation of the role of CSSI versus the R

In response to current events affecting campus,

The University Senate voted in favor of the creation of a dedicated space for Columbia University's first-generation, low-income students.