Shelley A. Saltzman

Sen. Shelley A. Saltzman is Senior Lecturer in Languages in the School of Professional Studies’ American Language Program, where she has served as Associate Director for Partnerships since 2010. On the University Senate, Dr. Saltzman serves on the Executive and Education committees, and co-chairs the Tenure-Track and Off-Track Faculty Caucus.

Specializing in English for Specific Purposes, Dr. Saltzman has designed courses for several Columbia schools, including Architecture, Planning and Preservation, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, General Studies, International and Public Affairs, Law, and Professional Studies. Dr. Saltzman has served on various University-wide committees including the Lecturer Advisory Committee, the Lecturer Review Guidelines Revision Committee, and the Standing Committee on Language Lecturers.  She has done work for the New York Review of Books, Susan Sontag, ETS, College Board, and IELTS USA, among others.A frequent presenter at campus, national, and international conferences, Dr. Saltzman has been awarded the international Global Legal Skills Award (2015); a Lenfest Distinguished Faculty Award (2018), and the School of Professional Studies’ Team Impact Award (2022).